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Ankara, Türkiye
We are determined to explore the problems of Ankara in terms of universal design principals

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


When the 7 principles were developed, individual preferences and abilities were also considered. According to the principle of “Flexibility In Use” a design should be adaptable for any users. Hence while designing a product, personal choices and precisions should be estimated. The design accommodates a range of methods of use, provides both right and left handed access and it does not disturb the users who have obstacles.

When we look around, it is easily seen that the most of the products are designed according to the needs of generality. It is disregarded that people who have specialties have the right to feel comfortable too. For example left hand users could not use a lot of products until some of them are redesigned specifically for them. Watches, computer mouses, musical instruments (guitars, batteries, flutes, violins etcetera), kitchenware and lots of things can not serve for the left hand users.  
In our faculty we observe some other problems like the uncomfortableness of the sits in the cafeteria. People who have problems with their spine can not sit and eat easily on them. They are very uncomfortable for even the healthy ones.

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