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Ankara, Türkiye
We are determined to explore the problems of Ankara in terms of universal design principals

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The 6th principle “ low physical effort” is another necessary thing that we need to consider for all users from any ages. According to this, the design can be used efficiently and comfortably and with minimum of fatigue.Our designs should allow users to maintain a neutral body position and we should use reasonable operating forces. Also we need to minimize repetitive actions. And finally, we have to minimize sustained physical effort.

If we look at some examples from our own environment, we can easily see that usually we do not concider principles. The most important examples are the overpasses in Ankara. Actually the overpasses are not facilities for people, especially for children and elderly people. In most of them, the stairs are too slope even for healty people. There is not an elevator for diabled or elderly people. In fact, the overpasses are not an appropriate solution for pedestrians in traffic, but if we really need to use them, we can not ignore som requirements.

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