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Ankara, Türkiye
We are determined to explore the problems of Ankara in terms of universal design principals

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


According to the principle of “Simple and Intiutive Use” the design should inform the user easily and effectively even if the ambience of the place is distracter or the user is incautious. It is important for the design to be used comfortably. Thus the designer should use different materials to provide with the essential information. These materials can be pictorial, verbal or tactile. These information elements should be easily noticeable and understandable, for this purpose they can be placed on a contrast ground, they should be short and clear. The people who have sensory limitations are should be considered and a variety of techniques to inform them must be used.

The poorness of implementation of this principle can be observed almost everywhere in Ankara. The street names, even the monumental buildings can not be observed until you arrive their nearby. You can see the people who can not find their way and ask the others. In a modern city people should easily stroll around and find their way without any help, beside the point that they are handicapped or not. As an example when we look at the Kızılay subway station the inadequacy of the information offends the eye immediately. The directions and other information are only written and they are hard to be realized. People may feel confused and uncomfortable there.

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