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Ankara, Türkiye
We are determined to explore the problems of Ankara in terms of universal design principals

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Find the toilets if you can
A successful design should provide necessery information clearly and effectively to the user to prevent misunderstandings.  while doing this, designer should consider the target group of the design, and should use different methods of  comunication (pictoral, verbal, tactile) if necessary. furthermore, design should be compatible with devices and techiques used by people with sensory limitations. By this way, the design can reach all. The essential information for the design should be made visible by contrasting the elements bearing the information with the environment. Another way to create an easily perceptible design is making the design describable by giving instructions or directions. Those were some guidelines to create an easily comprehensible, legible design.

 We can trace and find a lot of violaton of this principle. For example, the toilets of the mall in METU seem very problematic in that manner. we, the students of metu, of course know where the toilets are, and how to find them. However, to reach them would be such an adventure for a visitor. The information is insufficient, the stairway is too iclined, even for the people without limitation of walking ( this contradicts with a bunch of principle, i think), and the corridor is somewhat creepy( at least, for me). In my theory, the reason for all those problems is that those toilets are designed as staff restrooms, and the architect simply forgot to make toilets for public usage( i'm not kidding).

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